A practical study on: Ijtihad and its Conditions in the Modern and Ancient Era


Ijtihad has remained a topic of debate between the scholars. Some view it by imposing such conditions that closes the door of Ijtihad forever, while some view it as such an easy task that every person qualifies as a Mujtahid on grounds that “Imam Abu Hanifa was a man; we, too, are man, therefore we too are Mujtahid.” Reality on the other hand lies between the extremes. It is not necessary that a Mujtahid may remain a Mujtahid in all fields; he may have competence of Ijtihad concerning one field, while he may lack competence in other fields. We will discuss the issue of Tajazi ul Ijtihad and argue on the matter of Mujtahid in Field and Absolute Mujtahid.

Authors and Affiliations

Muhammad Meharban Barvi


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How To Cite

Muhammad Meharban Barvi (2018). A practical study on: Ijtihad and its Conditions in the Modern and Ancient Era. The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية, 39(39), 1-13. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-487475