A comparative study of CT of benign and malignant thyroid nodule with FNAC in rural Maharashtra
Objectives: To study CT of Benign and Malignant thyroid nodule with FNAC in Rural Maharashtra. Methodology: This is a record based cross-sectional study in the Patients with thyroid nodule at the Surgical department of Rural health center during the four year From January 2012 to January 2016. All the patients with thyroid nodule were undergone thyroid work up with FNAC and CT neck as per the advice of Surgeon so during 4 year period total 74 patients were undergone work up for thyroid all these diagnosis later on confirmed by histopathological diagnosis. In this Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value, Negative Predictive Value etc. was calculated with respect to Gold standard Histopathological diagnosis. Result: In Histopathology Malignant tumors were 41.33% in that Papillary carcinoma was 18.66%, Medullary carcinoma was 10.66% Columnar cell variant of papillary carcinoma was 8% and Hyalinizing trabecular adenoma was 4% and Benign were in 58.66% in that the most common were Adenomas- 20%, colloid nodules-14.66%, Cysts was in 12%, Lymphocytic or granulomatous nodules in 9.33%, Congenitalab normalities in 2.66% . For FNAC the Sensitivity was 93.55%, Specificity 95.45 %, Positive Predictive Value 93.55%, Negative Predictive Value 95.45 %. For CT Scan Sensitivity was 85.29%, Specificity 95.12 %, Positive Predictive Value 93.55%, Negative Predictive Value 88.64 %. Conclusion: It can be conclude from our study that in malignant tumor Papillary carcinoma was most common and in Benign Adenomas were most common overall the sensitivity and specificity of FNAC was more than CT scan so CT should not be initial choice in the Thyroid work up.
Authors and Affiliations
Vilas Kulkarni, Basawraj Warad
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