A Comparative Study of Plating versus Nailing In the Treatment of Humerus Shaft Fractures
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 4
Fractures of humerus shaft are very common; it is one of the major causes of morbidity in patients with upper limb injuries. Surgical treatment of such fractures is commonly done in order to obtain better alignment and to prevent complications. The aim of the present study was to compare the results of open reduction and internal fixation with DCP and close interlocking nail, in the treatment of humerus shaft fractures. This study was conducted in Department of Orthopedics, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences, Chittoor, and Andhra Pradesh. Institutional Ethical committee permission was obtained for the study. The inclusion criteria were patients aged 21 to 70 years of either sex. A total 59 number of patients were included in the study. 30 cases were treated with IL nail and 29 cases treatment was done with plating. Postoperative Results were evaluated according to NEERS classification. Results: The study involved n=59 subjects. The most common age group involved in humeral shaft fractures was 31-40 years accounting for 44.06% of all cases. The male to female ratio was 7.5: 3. The IL nail treated patients saw excellent results in 26.67% and good results were in 43.33% of cases. Fair results were seen in 23.33% cases and poor results were seen in only 6.67% cases. The results of compression plating in 14 cases 48.27% the results were good and in 31.03% cases were having excellent results. Fair results were found in 13.79% of cases and poor was result was seen in 6.9% of cases. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the compression plates had better outcomes and fewer incidences of complications as compared to IL nailing. However, this should not discourage surgeons to use the IL nailing in cases whenever it is indicated. Judicious selection of cases based on the type of fractures for both techniques can provide optimal results for the patients.
Authors and Affiliations
B Mahender Reddy
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