A Comparative Study to Find the Maternal and Foetal Outcome among Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and Non–Pregnancy Induced Hypertnsion Gravid Women
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 4
Abstract: Hypertension is the most common medical problem encounted in pregnancy and remains an important cause of maternal and foetal mortality and morbidity. The aim of the study were to compare the maternal outcome of pregnancy induced hypertension in gravid women with non-pregnancy induced hypertension in gravid women and compare the foetal outcome of pregnancy induced hypertension in gravid women with non-pregnancy induced hypertension in gravid women. A comparative study was used to find the maternal and foetal outcome among pregnancy induced hypertension and non-pregnancy induced hypertension gravid women in selected hospital of Sebha, Libya. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to obtain pregnancy induced hypertension and non- pregnancy induced hypertension gravid women. A sample of 100 pregnant induced hypertension and 100 non- pregnancy induced hypertension gravid women were selected. Data was collected using structured interview schedule. Findings of the study showed that 32% PIH gravid women had pre-term delivery ; 35% PIH gravid women had postpartum haemorrhage and 34% PIH gravid women had delayed episiotomy wound healing. Regarding the foetal outcome 36% babies had asphyxia neonatorum ; 40% babies had low birth weight ; 35% prematurity and 38% babies had intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR). There was significant association in maternal and foetal outcome among PIH and Non-PIH gravid women. Keywords: Pregnant Induced Hypertension (PIH), Non- pregnant induced hypertension, Gravid women, Intra Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR), Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia
Authors and Affiliations
Darling. B. Jiji, Marlyn Lumitap Cabading, Bazil Alfred Benjamin
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