A Study on knowledge of Patients of Diabetes Mellitus regarding Self-Care Management attending government hospitals of Jamnagar district
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 8
Abstract:A crucial element in secondary prevention is self-care. That is, the diabetics should take a major responsibility for his/her own care with medical guidance. Present study is an attempt to assess the knowledge relating to self-care management among diabetics. In present cross sectional study, total 400 Diabetic patients attending OPD at Government hospital, sub-district hospital and CHCs of the Jamnagar district were included. Data collection was done through oral questionnaire method using a pre-tested, semi-structured type of proforma. 94.2% patients were aware of dietary control, 90% about regular exercise, 66.5% about weight control, nearly half of patients were aware about quit smoking as an important preventive measures. 91.75% were aware regarding regular visit to physician. Only 36.3% were aware regarding periodic eye examination, 78.5% aware regarding daily self-examination of feet while only 30% were aware regarding need for feet examination by physician. 95.5% were aware regarding not walk barefoot inside and outside the house and 51% were aware regarding taking care and avoiding trauma while clipping toenails. 42.7% were aware regarding skin care. Only 9.8% were aware of diabetes card. Awareness regarding blood sugar measurement at home was seen only in 22.8% patients. 86.5% were aware regarding need for regular monitoring blood pressure. Very few number of patients were aware regarding need for checking lipid profile(15.75%) and urine examination(39.5%). 63.5% patients had adequate knowledge about the symptoms of hypoglycaemia and 60.8% were aware of how to manage hypoglycaemic symptoms. Awareness regarding dietary modification has association with education status of patients and also with duration of diabetes, difference was statistically significant. Statistically significant difference was also observed between the education status of patients, socioeconomic class, and duration of diabetes with the awareness regarding exercise. Observations indicate a wide gap in awareness regarding crucial screening test of prevention of various complication. Keywords:Diabetes Mellitus, self-care management, awareness
Authors and Affiliations
Nitin Lodha, Sudha Yadav
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