A Comparison of the Effect of Autogenous vs. Frozen Homogenous Grafts on the Healing of Non-Union of Forearm Bones
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2008, Vol 10, Issue 2
Background. A large percentage of autogenous and homogenous grafts are resorbed and replaced by the recipient’s own tissue. It is generally believed that autogenous grafts are superior to homogenous ones. The aim of our study was to compare the effectiveness of autografts and allografts in achieving the healing of a non-union of forearm bones. Material and methods. Between 1976 and 2005, 56 patients with 68 non-unions of forearm bone shafts were operated on. The study group consisted of 45 male and 11 female patients aged 8 to 85. The patients were operated on using methods requiring autogenous cancellous bone chips or homogenous frozen grafts. Autografts were used in 47 patients, and allografts were applied in the treatment of 21 non-unions. The effectiveness and speed of achieving a bone union with both types of grafts were subsequently compared. Results. The percentage and time of bone union were similar between autogenous and homogenous grafts. The differences are not statistically significant. Conclusion. No statistically significant differences in the effectiveness and time to bone union were found between recipients of autogenous vs. homogenous grafts. The use of homogenous frozen grafts seems justified when the mechanical advantages of the graft are not essential. It also allows for avoiding additional mutilation to healthy parts of the body.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Piotrowski , Rafał Pankowski , Piotr Łuczkiewicz, Agnieszka Markowicz
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