Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2010, Vol 12, Issue 1
ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION This paper evaluates the usefulness of spiral CT and conventional radiographs in the assessment of cervical spine injuries in polytrauma patients. The data are used as a basis for determining a precise and quick method for the assessment of the severity of cervical spine injuries that is also possibly least inconvenient for the patient.This approach is important due to the high risk of cervical spine injuries in patients with severe polytrauma and head injuries, as appropriate diagnostic work-up will help avoid unnecessary examinations and shorten time to diagnosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study population consisted of 46 polytrauma patients hospitalized at the Intensive Care Unit of the Regional Hospital in Olsztyn. The efficacy of the diagnosis of cervical spine injuries on the basis of conventional radiographs and spiral CT studies was compared.RESULTS Conventional radiographs failed to cover the entire cervical spine in all patient, and the assessment of most radiographic images was either difficult or unclear.Spiral CT studies with reformations were able to provide complete image of injuries to bony structures in all patients.CONCLUSIONS Spiral CT with reformations (MPR and VRT) should be the basic modality in the diagnosis of cervical spine fractures. An appropriate treatment method may be selected and mistakes in the interpretation of injuries may be avoided on the basis of CT studies. Its other advantages are the short time required to perform the scan and the possibility of supporting vital functions in polytrauma patients during the examination.
Authors and Affiliations
Emilia Paszkowska , Grzegorz Wasilewski , Anna Szalcunas-Olsztyn , Tomasz Widawski , Elżbieta Stefanowicz
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