A cross-sectional study on dementia in elderly persons living in old-age homes of Hyderabad, Telangana

Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 9


Background: Dementia (cognitive impairment) is characterized by gradually declining memory and other cognitive abilities which reduce the quality of life of elderly people. The World Health Organization estimated that 2/3rd patients with dementia will be from developing countries which indicate that there will be an epidemic of dementia in India. As per Delphi census, an overall prevalence of dementia is 1.6%. As there were very few studies in Telangana especially in Hyderabad, present study is conducted. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to identify magnitude of dementia and its risk factors in elderly people. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted during November–December 2013. Study conducted in randomly selected four old-age homes located in outskirts of Hyderabad. All the Inmates of old-age homes were included. All participants are questioned in conscious coherent state. Basic demographic information, associated factors and mini-mental status examination (MMSE) a brief 30-point questionnaire test that is used to screen for cognitive impairment is administered. Results: Of 112 participants, age of participants <70 years is (35) 31% and more than 70 years is (77) 69%. Females are (70) 63% and males (42) 38%. Participants have associated medical conditions. Hypertension is seen in (40) 36% and history of stroke in (8) 7%. Diabetes in 27% (30) and history of coronary artery disease in 15% (17), alcohol intake present in 14% (16), tobacco smoking in 24% (27), and tobacco chewing in 4% (5). Prevalence of dementia (impaired cognition) is 8.04%. MMSE graded as 23–30 = normal, 19–23 = borderline, and <19 = impaired cognition. Dementia is significantly associated with age (P = 0.0488), hypertension (P = 0.043), education (P = 0.024), occupation (P = 0.006), height (P = 0.0016), weight (P = 0.0008), waist circumference (P = 0.0003), obesity (P = 0.0116), and diabetes (P = 0.042) whereas gender, coronary heart diseases, stroke, and depression are not significantly associated with dementia. Conclusions: As age progresses, cognitive impairment is common. Having comorbid conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity will precipitate the early occurrence of dementia. Proper control of the risk factors helps in delaying of cognitive impairment.

Authors and Affiliations

Mahesh Kumar Mummadi


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  • EP ID EP486565
  • DOI 10.5455/ijmsph.2018.0515629052018
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How To Cite

Mahesh Kumar Mummadi (2018). A cross-sectional study on dementia in elderly persons living in old-age homes of Hyderabad, Telangana. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 7(9), 709-713. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-486565