A Delicate Balance
Journal Title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy - Year 2004, Vol 1, Issue 0
It is a review of Michael J. Behe’s book titled [i]Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution [/i](The Free Press, New York 1996), containing the criticism of evolutionary theory. Author, at the beginning of his academic career, dealt with the issue of the blood clotting and he explained the origin of blood clotting cascade in terms of natural selection. This issue was discussed by Behe who stated that the blood clotting process is irreducibly complex and thus it could not have arisen through gradual evolutionary changes. Nevertheless, as author points out, in recent years an enormous amount of evidence of evolution of blood clotting (research over gene duplication and exon shuffling) has been accumulated which overwhelmingly bespeaks the soundness author’s earlier conclusions.
Authors and Affiliations
Russell Doolittle
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