A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge of Selected Components of Safe Motherhood among Women in Reproductive Age Group in Selected Villages of Horti PHC, Bijapur District
Journal Title: Journal of Nursing Today - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 2
Pregnancy is not only matter of giving birth but also joyful and fulfilling period in woman’s life and experiences of misery and suffering when complications causing ill health or even death1 . According to WHO, the global ratio of 400 maternal deaths occur during first 24 hours of delivery. Several cause of deaths are post partum haemorrhage (42%), anaemia (22%), sepsis (11%) , prolonged obstructed labour (5%) & hypertensive disorders(33.5)2 . Therefore, investigator conducted a descriptive study to assess the knowledge on selected component of safe motherhood among women in reproductive age in selected village of Horti PHC, Bijapur District in a view to develop an individual teaching programme. The investigator administered the 40 reproductive age mother at Nimbal K.D of Horti PHC. The data was collected by structured knowledge questionnaire. The conceptional framework is based on Roy’s Adaptational Model. The data generated was analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed that pre- test score was, 22(55%) had poor knowledge, 18 (45%) women had moderate knowledge &. In post test score 40(100%) women had good knowledge. The study concludes that Individual Teaching Programme is effective to raise the Knowledge level in women in reproductive age group.
Authors and Affiliations
Roopa Goudar
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