A Full swing Ex-OR/Ex-NOR Gate Circuit Using Pass Transistor Logic with Five Transistors
The Ex-OR/Ex-NOR gates are the basic building blocks of various digital system applications like adder, comparator, and parity generator/checker and encryption processor. This paper proposes a 5T full swing pass transistor based Ex-OR/Ex-NOR circuit using new 3T full swing pass transistor Ex-OR gate. The new Ex-OR with three transistors is proposed by modifying the existed 3T cross coupled Ex-OR gate to get full output voltage swing. Then one bit full adder, 4-bit ripple carry adder and 8-bit ripple carry adder are constructed with use of the proposed 5T full swing Ex-OR/Ex-NOR circuit. All the proposed and existing circuits are simulated and compared with Cadence Spectre 180nm CMOS technology with the supply voltage of 0.6V to1.8V. The simulation results show that the proposed circuits achieve a full output voltage swing for all the input combinations with high speed. And the proposed full adder and ripple carry adder circuits have better Power Delay Product than the existing circuits.
Authors and Affiliations
Mrudula Singamsetti , Sarada Musala
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