A geographical assessment of labour immigration in Turkey
Journal Title: Journal of Human Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 12, Issue 2
Turkey has a unique geographical location, and serves as a bridge between East and West, and between Asia and Europe. While it has been a source country for labour migration, especially to Western Europe in the 1960s and 1970s, it has become a destination country, particularly for those from neighbouring countries in the 1990s. Immigrants from more distant countries were also attracted. Due to the end of the Cold War (the dissolution of the Soviet Union), economic problems resulting from regime change in the Eastern Bloc countries, China’s emergence as an economic power affecting the world economy, along with globalization, political problems and civil wars in the Middle East and Africa, a proportion of the people living in these geographical regions migrated to Turkey to find jobs. The aim of the present study is to investigate the quantitative changes concerning foreigners with work permits in Turkey and to research their origins. The study also presents some figures on distribution by gender and country of origin. To achieve this aim and investigate the present state of Turkey, statistical data concerning labour migration have been used. It is conclude that Turkey being considered as a country mostly sending labour emigrants has turned into a country receiving labour immigrants, not only from neighbouring countries but also from distant countries thanks to its unique geographical location and economic diversity.
Authors and Affiliations
Selma Akay Ertürk
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