A Jesuit’s Letter" from the Collection of Anna Dostoevskaya's Autographs
Journal Title: Неизвестный Достоевский - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 1
A document referring to the business correspondence of the Journal “Grazhdanin” in the times of Putsykovich as an editor was discovered in the collection belonging to Anna Dostoevskaya. In the course of attribution the version assumed in “The Description of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Manuscripts” (Moscow, 1957) and in “The Chronicle of F. M. Dostoevsky’s Life and Works” (vol. 3. St. Petersburg, 1999), that points at F. M. Dostoevsky as an addressee of the letter of Jesuit I. S. Gagarin dated November 12 (24), 1877, is questioned. It is proved that the letter was directed to Putsykovich, editor and publisher of “Grazhdanin”.
Authors and Affiliations
Alexander Otlivanchik
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