A litigation in criminal proceedings
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 14, Issue 6
Litigation in criminal proceedings is an attribute of settling social inequalities. This is an official application, written or oral, to the interested subject of the process, which has such rights, to the court. The court petition reflects the position of the person who submits it and may relate to the execution of a certain procedural act or decision on all matters that are relevant for a comprehensive, complete and objective study of all the circumstances of the criminal proceedings in order to ensure the rights and freedoms of all participants in the court the proceedings provided for by the general principles of the CPC. At the disposal of the parties to the procedural remedies, the right to request is procedurally least detailed. The temporal parameters of the court request are not strictly established. The CPC of Ukraine restricts the length of time for the application or discussion of a court application, in general, as well as for any judicial procedure. The general rule: the moment of the application for a court application is freely determined by the applicant, except for certain types of petitions for which the criminal procedure law provides otherwise by law. The subject (applicant) of a court application may be any party to the trial or his representative. During the trial of criminal proceedings, based on the analysis of the norms of the CPC of Ukraine, in particular Chap. 3 “Court, parties and other participants in criminal proceedings”, the prosecutor, the accused, his legal representative and counsel, the victim, his legal representative and representative, the civil plaintiff, his legal representative and representative, the representative of the legal entity may be subjects of filing court applications, which is the subject of proceedings, a third person whose property resolves the issue of arrest and its representative, a witness, a translator, an expert, a specialist. Based on the above, we consider it appropriate to amend the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, which would include: 1) special procedure for discussing and resolving court applications of participants in court proceedings; 2) the provision of the witness’s right, in addition to the right to apply for security in cases provided for by law, the right to apply for a judicial request for preventive protection against accusations by the participants of the trial based on the results of the interrogation on his involvement in the commission of a criminal offense. Thus, in the interests of the truth, a witness, directly after interrogation, may file a petition for interrogating another person, requesting evidence, etc.
Authors and Affiliations
Александр Анненко, Олександр Анненко, Olexander Annenko, Petro Zubakov, Петр Зубаков, Петро Зубаков
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