A magyar könnyűzene dokumentumfi lmes megjelenése
Journal Title: ME.dok - MÉDIA–TÖRTÉNET–KOMMUNIKÁCIÓ - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 4
(Documenatries about the Hungarian pop music) In Hungary, the documentary on pop music has a relatively long history, it is present from the very beginning, of the appearance of the Hungarian pop music. It is not a novelty that, in the pre-1989 Hungary, the pop music and the related subcultures around it, for obvious reasons, were a few years behind the western trends. The author makes an inventory of the directors who followed an documented the diff erent trends of the Hungarian pop music, from the punks of the ‘80s to the modern DJ-s.
Authors and Affiliations
Miska Lakatos
Szerkesztői előszó
About the women photographers and the women's journals in Hungary and Transylvania.
Valóságok metszetében
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Szerkesztési alapelvek
Guide to redaction