A musealização da memória fotográfica riograndina


This paper aims to analyze how the process of musealization of photographs donated to the Fototeca Municipal Ricardo Giovannini, a photograph library in the city of Rio Grande, is constituted and how such process turns these images into documents/information sources. Through a documentary survey of the institution and its museum actions, it is intended to emphasize the consolidation this photograph library itself as a museum space. Thus, the way musealization of this photographic collection in particular helps preserve and safeguard the memory of Rio Grande is highlighted.

Authors and Affiliations

Vanessa Barrozo Teixeira| UFPel, Diego Lemos Ribeiro| USP


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How To Cite

Vanessa Barrozo Teixeira, Diego Lemos Ribeiro (2012). A musealização da memória fotográfica riograndina. BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao, 26(1), 97-114. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-13075