A New Class II Distalizer
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2016, Vol 12, Issue 2
The Carrière Distalizer is a simple and efficient fixedfunctional appliance for Class II treatment (Fig. 1). Developedby the author with advanced computer technology, itrepresents an evolution of the Modular Sectional Arch (1).The Distalizer is most effective in treating Class IImalocclusions without extractions. Brachyfacial patternsrespond best to treatment; dolichofacial types are lessresponsive. The appliance can also be used in many ClassI cases with mesially positioned maxillary molars or, withcaution, in Class I cases with premaxillary hypoplasia. Growingpatients are ideal, but adults can be treated as well. Mixeddentition Class II cases with fully erupted first molars arecandidates for first-phase treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
Luis Carrière
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