A proposal for a tourist attraction using the green corridors linear recreation system in Poznań

Journal Title: Studia Periegetica - Year 2015, Vol 13, Issue 1


Poznań has a very specific system of greenbelts lying along the main hydrographic axes of the city. Structural green corridors, allowing rest and regeneration, were created as a result of the urban forming of river valleys. Since one of the main aims of creating green corridors is to make them accessible an attractive in terms of nature and landscape recreational space, they are shown as a linear recreation system. The main purpose of the article is to present a proposal for the tourist attraction using the green corridors in Poznań, which consists of four essential parts: statistical, cartographic, descriptive, and visualization. Each part of the model has been presented on three informational levels: basic, detailed, and “special.” The preparation of the model was preceded by pilot research using interviews and surveys.

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Styperek


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How To Cite

Jarosław Styperek (2015). A proposal for a tourist attraction using the green corridors linear recreation system in Poznań. Studia Periegetica, 13(1), 201-213. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-215155