A Prospective Observational Study on Turnaround Time for Issue of Blood Components on Emergency Request in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR) - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 2
Introduction: The efficiency of Blood Transfusion services have recently come under scrutiny due to awareness of blood transfusion and customer rights. Timeliness, which is commonly expressed as the Turnaround Time (TAT), is regularly used as yardstick for performance. The aim of this study is to evaluate the TAT and classify the causes which are directly associated in increasing the TAT during issue of blood components.Material and Methods: A prospective observational study was undertaken in the Department of Transfusion Medicine at a tertiary care teaching hospital for a period of three months. The benchmark for turnaround time was set at 30 minutes for blood units to be issued after immediate spin crossmatch (ISCM). TAT of 750 blood requests was evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (version 20). P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Among 750 blood components issued, 504 (67.2%) of total blood components issued fell between 11 to 30 minutes of TAT and 240 (32%) issues fell above 30 minute of TAT. Single packed RBC unit issue had a mean TAT of 27.71 minutes and the mean TAT for issue of multiple packed RBC was 37.54 minutes. In comparison to the mean TAT for packed RBC & fresh frozen plasma, the mean TAT for issue of platelet concentrates was less.Discussion: The causes of increased TAT were request for multiple blood component for a patient, multiple orders from different departments received at the same time ,FFP thawing, etc Turnaround time or timeliness directly influences the patient treatment and faster TATs bring down the mortality and morbidity rate. However, though TAT may not be a reliable quality indicator; it will definitely help in regularising the blood transfusion services and thereby improving clinician satisfaction and patient management.
Authors and Affiliations
D. Umesh
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