A Prospective Study on Efficacy of Oral Iron in Comparison with Intravenous Iron Sucrose in the Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnant Women in a Rural Scenario
Objectives: To determine the current prevalence and severity of iron deficiency anemia in a rural scenario and to document the response to oral iron supplementation in comparison to intravenous iron sucrose for better efficacy, compliance and safety in treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. Methods: This comparative study was conducted at rural medical hospital in Karnataka, India during the period November 2010 to October 2012. 80 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were randomized into either of the two groups, 40 to the oral iron group and 40 to the IV iron group and the improvement of hemoglobin was recorded meticulously. Comparison between the two groups was done based on the initial Hb, the total dose of iron required, the side effects and the final Hb. Statistical analysis was done using Chi-square test. Results: The following observations were made from this study age of patients ranged from 19-35years. Samples are age matched with P= 1.000. Majority of the anemic women in this study belonged to the age group of 20-25years.Majority of the women belonged to SE class II. SES distribution is statistically similar in two groups with p=1.000. In this study, anemia was equally common in Primi-gravida and multigravidas. Parity distribution is statistically similar in both groups with P=0.369. Majority of anemic patients in this study belonged to gestational age of 14-29weeks. Mean Gestational age is statistically similar in two groups with P = 0.408. Mean body weight is statistically significantly less Oral Rx group P = 0.017*. Levels of initial hemoglobin is statistically similar in two groups studied with P=0.624. MCV <70 is more associated with IV Rx group of patients with P=0.096+. Majority of the women in this study had a microcytic hypochromic smear picture. Distribution of PS is statistically similar in both groups with P=0.845. Mean total drug required(TDR) is significantly more in IV Rx group (881.50) when compared to Oral Rx Group (856.98) with P=0.149. Levels of Final Hb is statistically significantly less in Oral Rx group of patients than in the IV group with p=0.001**. Conclusion: This study was attempted to analyze the safety and efficacy of oral iron in comparison to IV iron on the hematological parameters in pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia. This study confirms that IV iron caused a rapid and effective improvement in the hematological parameters when compared to oral iron. In our country, with a higher incidence of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy, especially in a rural scenario, this type of treatment may be helpful in management of these patients in a cost-effective manner. Following a rigorous research and evaluation iron sucrose has established its full place and potential and may be the solution.
Authors and Affiliations
Badveli Manasa , Indranil Dutta , Vijayalakshmi S
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