From the earliest times, people have been bending over the issue of death, trying to reach its essence. Therefore, death has become one of the leading literary motifs. The article analyses hu- man attitudes towards death...
Institute of Eastern Europe in Vilnius was established in 1930 and worked till 1939. Its an elementary assignment was collecting and working up with research materials concerning to economy, history, folkloristic and phi...
The article introduces new results of the genealogy research into Marina Cvetaeva’s family, particularly of its Polish line that can be traced back to the poet’s grandmother Maria Bernacka (Mayn). The approximate life pe...
Człowiek wobec tajemnicy śmierci w krótkich formach prozatorskich Michaiła Arcybaszewa
From the earliest times, people have been bending over the issue of death, trying to reach its essence. Therefore, death has become one of the leading literary motifs. The article analyses hu- man attitudes towards death...
Literatura rosyjska na łamach biuletynu Instytutu Naukowo-Badawczego Europy Wschodniej w Wilnie ,,Balticoslavica”(1933-1938)
Institute of Eastern Europe in Vilnius was established in 1930 and worked till 1939. Its an elementary assignment was collecting and working up with research materials concerning to economy, history, folkloristic and phi...
"Kłótnia" i "kłótliwość" na tle stereotypów zawodowych i zwierzęcych w języku polskim i rosyjskim
Polskie inspiracje Mariny Cwietajewej
The article introduces new results of the genealogy research into Marina Cvetaeva’s family, particularly of its Polish line that can be traced back to the poet’s grandmother Maria Bernacka (Mayn). The approximate life pe...
"Тајне живота и стваралаштва", Богдан Косановић, Сремски Карловци 1999