Polskie inspiracje Mariny Cwietajewej
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2008, Vol 1, Issue 0
The article introduces new results of the genealogy research into Marina Cvetaeva’s family, particularly of its Polish line that can be traced back to the poet’s grandmother Maria Bernacka (Mayn). The approximate life periods of the poet’s Polish ancestors such as: grand grandmother Marianna Leduchovska and grand grandfather Luka Bernatsky, as well as grand grand grandfather Stanislav Leduchovsky and grand grand grandmother Elzhbeta Hoffman till the dynasty’s legendary founder Nestor Halka Leduchovsky count Shalava (Salava) (who was lived in the middle of the 15th century) have been set. The second part of the article draws the readers’ attention to some great Polish characters who provided the inspiration for Cvetaeva’s poems, e.g. the pretender for the Russian throne called Dymitri the Impostor, Marina Mnishek, Isabella Chartorysky and the poet’s grandmother. Besides her poetic inspirations this part of the article is also focused on the process of creating and rethinking the conception of characters, that took place in her poetic mind after sometime. The analysis of the poetical pieces is supplemented with commentary and some remarks, taken from the poet’s memories and essays as well as some other sources.
Authors and Affiliations
Elena Janchuk
Narody wschodniosłowiańskie w opinii krakowskiego "Świata Słowiańskiego" 1905-1914
Проза Масея Сяднёва
Этнолингвистические и типологические параллели в фольклорном творчестве народов (на материале свадебно-обрядовых песен башкир)
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Экзотизмы как особенная категория заимствований
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