A scientific evening with N.A. Bernstein, A. Einstein, S. Hawking and D.R. Hofstadter
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 26, Issue 75
In the presented paper, the author tries to place motor control within the general structure of contemporary science. By its nature, motor control is highly abstract and cannot be supported by empirical findings to such an extent as other sciences on physical culture. Accordingly, motor control may draw inspiration from reality, indeed, but explanation – from philosophy. The author presents and justifies the conjecture that nowadays motor control may and should play the role of an engine, driving the development and progress in science as a whole. Over the course of several earlier centuries, such a function was played by physics. Its mathematical perspectives are very efficient in the non-living world, but not relevant to the description (and, all the more, explanation) of the phenomena and processes in motor control. Therefore, the spectacular and user-friendly empiricallymathematical methodologies cannot be effective in motor control. The latter has to find its own way of development, using the whole knowledge available to scientists and philosophers. The author compares the matter of motor control to that of – the apparently insignificant – issue of black body radiation, which at the break of the 19th and 20th century, initiated the development of quantum physics and showed a completely different way of thinking about physical reality. He takes on the tacit assumption that some general laws and rules of Nature are more easily discernible in physics, which deals with by far simpler matters than that of motor control. Nevertheless, in motor control and, all the more, in psychology, their – or, more exactly, their intellectual descendants’ – structure is much more complicated. Hence, the purely physical regularities – as well as their mathematical description – are not directly applicable in motor control, even if rooted in physics. In this respect, the motor control knowledge, analogous to that of quantum physics, still awaits its discoverers and explorers.
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Petryński
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