A Study of Comparison of Lung Function Test between Male and Female Young Adults
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 1
The lung function tests are broad range of tests that provide an assessment of the respiratory system in terms of its function. There are a few variables such as age, gender and body size which have impact on the lung function test. Aims and Objective: present study was done to compare the TV, IRV, ERV, VC, MVV, and PEFR between male and female subjects. Materials and Method: the present study was conducted on 200 healthy young adults of 18- 21 years of age in around the Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh. Group I comprised of 120 healthy young males and Group II comprised of 80 healthy young females. TV, IRV, ERV, MVV were measured with Inco’s double recording spirometer in conjunction with electric kymograph and PEFR was measure with mini wright peak flow meter. Results: in the present study out of the 200 subjects 180 were male and20 were female. The mean TV, IRV, ERV, VC, MVV & PEFR in male were 473.16±26.01ml, 1782.19±138.33ml, 1081.25±33.58ml, 3337.92±157.28ml, 93.30±11.22ml & 573.50±60.25 L/min respectively and that of in female were 398.62±28.61ml, 1259.75±49.92ml, 891.38±31.08ml, 2549.87±8467ml, 57.91±5.13ml, 424.50±39.60L/min respectively . Conclusion: The present study showed a significant decrease in TV, IRV, ERV, VC, MVV & PEFR in female subjects which may due to difference in body structure in male and female subjects. Abbreviations: TV tidal volume, IRV inspiratory reserve volume, ERV expiratory reserve volume, VC vital capacity, MVV maximum ventilatory volume, PEFR peak expiratory flow rate, PFT pulmonary function test, BMI body mass index.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Rahul Chandra Das
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