A Study of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Sudden Cardiac Death
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 8
Abstract: The largest cause of morbidity and mortality in developed and developing countries today is overwhelmingly contributed by atherosclerosis. This autopsy study was designed to analyze the coronary arterial tree in cases diagnosed as sudden cardiac death in the casualty department of our hospital, classify coronary atherosclerotic plaques and to assess the factors contributing to vulnerability of the plaques including inflammation, calcification, erosion and rupture. Heart specimens from adult autopsies conducted on cases of sudden cardiac death were analyzed. Cases were selected on the basis of the history of the chest pain or sudden collapse followed by death or brought dead within 1 to 6 hour. Control cases were selected as vehicular accidental deaths.A diagnosis and conclusion was made by studying the sections of coronary arteries (H&E stain, Modified Elastic Trichrome stain and Verhoeff’s - Von giesson’s stain) obtained from heart of victim of sudden cardiac death. Changes of atherosclerosis are better appreciated when conventional H & E stain is complimented by special stains like the Modified elastic trichrome stain and Verhoeff’s – Van Geison stain that highlight the elastic tissue fibres, collagen fibres and inflammation. Use of these special stains in routine autopsy study will help the beginner to learn. Keywords:Atherosclerosis, Coronary artery disease, Modified elastic trichrome, Verhoeff’s – Van Geison.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Nayan Koitiya, Dr. Sfoorti Goswami, Dr. Krupal Pujara, Dr. G. A. Dhruva, Dr. P. M. Santawani
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