A Study of Knowledge Attitude and Practices of Biomedical Waste Management at a Tertiary care Hospital, Kolkata

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 8


Despite the statutory provision of Biomedical Waste Management, practice in Indian Hospitals has not achieved the desired standard even after years of enforcement of the law. In view of this, the present study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) on the subject was carried out in a tertiary level teaching hospital , School of Tropical Medicine. The hospital under scrutiny for KAP is a 150 bedded super specialty teaching hospital and research centre with latest facilities. The Institute has a work force of 330 doctors, nurses and other support staff. The study is based on a questionnaire designed to understand the KAP of the staff involved in direct patient care facility regarding the Biomedical waste management practices. The KAP study enrolled 140 respondents, representing doctors and nurses from selected patient care areas; Here, a significant gap was observed in the knowledge, attitude and practice of the consultants, residents and scientists with regard to biomedical waste disposal, to their knowledge/understanding on the subject. The definite apathy of intellectuals towards the operational aspects of the BMW management system can be www.jmscr.igmpublication.org Impact Factor 3.79 ISSN (e)-2347-176x Dr.Reena Ray (Ghosh) et al JMSCR Volume 2 Issue 8 August 2014 Page 1931 JMSCR Volume||2||Issue||8||Page 1930-1940||August-2014 2014 attributed to the tubular vision of the professionals that is mainly focused on the curative aspects of the patient care services, with lack of understanding towards the role of support services in the overall context of comprehensive health care delivery. Nursing professionals on the other hand, had an edge over the clinicians as far as attitude and practice of BMW mgmt. is concerned although their knowledge on the subject was relatively low. This can be attributed to their accountability and commitment in ward management and the predominance of female workforce, which is by and large more disciplined. The paramedical staff including laboratory and housekeeping staff had least understanding on the subject, but had higher positive attitude with more practical habits, which may be attributed to strict instructions by authorities and fear for any punitive action.

Authors and Affiliations

Prof. (Dr. ) Tamal Kanti Ghosh


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Prof. (Dr. ) Tamal Kanti Ghosh (2014). A Study of Knowledge Attitude and Practices of Biomedical Waste Management at a Tertiary care Hospital, Kolkata. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 2(8), 1930-1940. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-207351