A study on fungicides potential and incidence of sheath rot of rice caused by Sarocladium oryzae[ (Sawada)
Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2013, Vol 5, Issue 1
Sheath rot, Sarocdadium oryzae (Sawada) Gams. and Hawksw., has recently become a serious disease of rice when climatic conditions are unfavorable during flag sheath development. In this study systemic and non-systemic fungicides were tested against S. oryzae. Maximum inhibition of radial growth (76.53%) was recorded at 10.0ppm of tebuconazole fungicides. In non-systemic fungicides, maximum inhibition of radial growth (78.86%) was recorded at 200.0ppm. Comparative efficacy of fungicides on sheath rot was tested during Kharif 2008-2009. Foliar spray of tebuconazole was found superior overall other treatments giving reduction in disease severity (59.01-64.33%), which was followed by followed by carbendazim (48.70-55.28%), and also increased grain yield per plant (45.06-65.84%), grain yield per plot (45.57-65.85%), 1000-grains weight (10.80-52.58%) and reduction in chaffiness (48.07-53.80%). Among non-systemic fungicides chorothalonil was found best in managing sheath rot, giving reduction in disease severity (35.68-38.85%), and also increased grain yield per plant (24.78-44.74%), grain yield per plot (24.52-44.57%), 1000-grains weight (4.25-35.47%) and reduction in chaffiness (15.74-45.96%) as compared to check. Another field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2009-10 to observe sheath rot incidence on rice cultivars in Tarai region. The incidence was recorded in thirty three varieties; only varieties (Type-3 and Basmati-370) were recorded as free from disease symptoms.
Authors and Affiliations
Lalan Sharma, D. Nagrale, S. Singh, K. Sharma, A. Sinha
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