A Study on the Effectiveness of a Self Instructional Module among Primary Care Givers to Paraplegic & Quadriplegic Patients

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 3


Abstract: Care of paralysed patients & their associated needs, dependence, supporting care on the primary care givers as real challenges. So, the need of the hour is to provide comprehensive care to the survivors. This can be achieved by a complete knowledge kit on physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, communication, nutrition, self care & prevention of complication & early diagnosis & prompt treatment ***** & other associated complication. Our aim was to determine the socio-economic profile of the primary care givers of the paralytic patients and to assess the pretest knowledge of primary care givers regarding the care of paraplegic and quadriplegic patients. It is an evaluative cross sectional study with instructional approach. The study was conducted in the Deptt. of Orthopedics at VIMSAR, Burla period from 1st Jan 2014 to 31st Dec 2017. A total 30 primary care givers of the quadriplegic and paraplegic patients who were admitted in the orthopedic deptt of VIMSAR, Burla were the study subjects to assess the purposive sampling technique. A Predesigned pretested / post tested questionnaire was developed for the study purpose (which includes socio-demographic variables, knowledge, attitude and practice on care giving) to the paralysed patients. A self instructional guide cum module in Odia was prepared and implemented on the 5th day of admission. Out of 30 paralysed patients 20 were paraplegics and 10 were quadriplegics from 20 paraplegics, 75% were of Traumatic. Similarly out of 10 quadriplegic patients 76.67% were of traumatic. The socio demographic characteristics of participating primary care givers 63.33% were females and half of the participants belonged to 31 – 40 years age group, 66.67% were married and regarding educational status of care givers 43.33% having secondary education. The socio economic status was calculated as per capita income (modified BG Prasad scale) and 36.67% belonged to lower class. The relationship of the primary care giver with the patients. 46.67% were the spouse of the patients. 53.33% were unemployed followed. Only 50% care giver providing care earlier 50% of the care giver & 7 had an exposure of care giving in the past of 1 – 2 months. Involve patient’s family / care givers in assessment of post discharge needs and help them in decision making & to planning. Care giving training (multi disciplinary education about communicating strategies & patients in ****, proper handling, care and positioning of the patients and how to independently shoulder care based on patient strengths and limitations.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Rabi Narayan Dhar, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Merli


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Dr. Rabi Narayan Dhar, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Merli (2018). A Study on the Effectiveness of a Self Instructional Module among Primary Care Givers to Paraplegic & Quadriplegic Patients. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 6(3), 985-989. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-475381