
Quality of Work Life (QWL) is the satisfaction of employees towards their working environment. The turnover intention is referred to as the intention of employees to quit the current job. QWL is one of the predominant factors influencing employee turnover intention. The study was undertaken to find the QWL experienced by the employees in SVCM textile mill at Salem district and to find its relationship with employee turnover intention. A sample size of 120 employees from textile mill was taken for the study. The data were collected through personal interview by the researcher using pre-tested and structured interview schedule. From the data it was found that more than 80.0 per cent of the respondents were experiencing medium quality of work life and more than70.2 per cent of the respondents were having low intention to quit the job. It was also found that there was a negative relationship between QWL and turnover intention of employees. This implies that, if QWL increases the turnover intention of employee decreases. The textile mill should improve the quality of work life which results in decreased turnover intention.

Authors and Affiliations

Indhumathi R, Balaji R, Hemalatha S


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  • EP ID EP625847
  • DOI 10.24247/ijasraug20192
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How To Cite

Indhumathi R, Balaji R, Hemalatha S (2019). A STUDY ON THE QUALITY OF WORK LIFE AND TURNOVER INTENTION OF EMPLOYEES IN A TEXTILE MILL. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR), 9(4), 7-12. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-625847