A study to assess the effectiveness of cranberry juice on urinary tract infection among post natal mothers in selected hospitals
Background: Urinary tract infections are the second commonest infections in community practice. UTI’s are the foremost common microorganism infections throughout physiological condition. Therefore, Cranberries have been used to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Cranberries contain a substance that can prevent bacteria from sticking on the walls of the bladder. Aims and Objectives: To assess the signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection among post natalmothers. To assess the effectiveness of cranberry juice on urinary tract infection among post-natal mothers. Materials and Methods: A quantitative research approach and a descriptive research design was used. Quasi experimental research study was conducted on 80 postnatal mothers during august and September 2017. Non robability purposive sampling technique was adopted. Results and Conclusion: Cranberries contain 2 compounds with antiadherence properties that prevent fimbriated Escherichia coli from adhering to uroepithelial cells in the urinary tract. The findings of present study have been discussed as per the objectives of the study. Cranberry juice was significantly effective on urinary tract infection among post natal mothers. Hence it is concluded that there is significant effect of Cranberry juice on urinary tract infection among post natal mothers.
Authors and Affiliations
Shwetha Shamlal Kayasth, Nilima R. Bhore
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