A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Blood Donation among the Adolescents of Selected Colleges in Pune City

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 5


Introduction: Blood is described as a connective tissue. It provides one of the means of communication between the cells of different parts of the body and it is composed of a fluid part called plasma and a cellular mass called Corpuscles. The cell mass is also called as formed elements. Blood can save millions of life and young people are the hope and future of a safe blood supply in the world. India needs about 6-7.5 million units of blood annually and every year there is gradually increase in this demand. National blood donation policy of India highlights on the need of supplying safe and quality blood to the needy through collecting blood from regular voluntary blood donors. Ignorance, Fear and miss concepts about blood donations and lack of voluntary blood donation organizations are major constraints in many developing countries to facilitate voluntary blood donation. Considering the estimated shortfall of 3-4 million units of blood annually in India, more awareness must be created among all strata of population, especially among youngsters on importance of blood donation. The objective of the study were,  To assess the knowledge regarding blood donation among adolescents of selected junior colleges in Pune city. Research Methodology Research Approach: Quantitative Study. Research Design: Non Experimental Descriptive Survey. Setting of the Study: Selected Junior College Of Pune City. Sample: Adolescents Between The Age Group Of 16-18 Years. Sample Size: 200 Samples. Sample Technique: Purposes Sampling Technique. Data Collection: Structured Questionnaire. The major finding of the study were, 1.5% Adolescents are having good knowledge, 79% Adolescents are having average knowledge, and 19.5% Adolescents are having poor knowledge regarding Blood donation. Conclusion of the study Maximum Adolescents have average knowledge regarding Blood donation

Authors and Affiliations

Mr Renie Raju


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Mr Renie Raju (2018). A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Blood Donation among the Adolescents of Selected Colleges in Pune City. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 6(5), 681-684. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-515067