A survey study on Survivability architecture of the Electric Power Industry
Journal Title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences - Year 2013, Vol 4, Issue 4
The electric power system is one of the most important critical infrastructures. Much less researches has investigated the fundamental characteristics of complex networked systems, the interactions of complex networked systems, and the potential security and survivability. The mission of the electric power industry is to reliably and profitably generate and supply electricity wherever and whenever it is needed. Survivability system architecture will require significant changes to the current system, both in the technologies in use as well as in the regulatory and software design aspects of the electric power system. Survivability is defined as the ability of a system to fulfill its mission, in the presence of attacks, in a timely manner accidents, and failures. In this research, we investigate about the traditional computer security that is not adequate usually to protect the mission of survivability. Since the simulating the system would be beneficial to study the survivability of the electric power system, in this research we use the Easel simulation language developed at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). The objective of paper is to study the electric power system's survivability issues and requirements in the environment of deregulation.
Authors and Affiliations
MohammadrezaMikailiHajikondi| Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Abhar branch, Abhar, Iran,mr.mikailihajikondi@yahoo.com
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