Aassessment of the reliability of measurements madę with PEL38 podometric platform

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 9, Issue 2


Background. Advances in measurement techniques have enabled the development of computer-assisted podometric platforms that measure sub-pedal pressure distribution. The PEL 38 is an example ofsuch a platform that offers sufficient measurement accuracy and is easy and reliable to use. The aim of the study was to assess the reliability and repeatability of measurements madę with the PEL 38 platform. Materiał and methods. The study group comprised 30 subjects (16 F, 14 M) aged 20 years of whom nonę was a Professional athlete and nonę suffered from any diseases of musculoskeletal system. A PEL 38 platform with TWINN 99 software was used to measure the length (cm) and width (cm) ofboth feet, sole areas (sq. cm), subpedal pressures (N/sq. cm) and centres of pressure from centres ofsupport (cm). The results were subjected to standard statistical analysis and statistical significance ofthe differences between repeated individual measurements and between corresponding measurements madę by two independent examiners was determined with Cronbach's Alpha test. The same test was also used to assess the reliability of the measurements. Results. Cronbach's Alpha test of variance homogeneity which was used to estimate differences between measurements obtained with the PEL 38 platform by two independent examiners, indicated no significant differences, which proves the concordance and, consequently comparability of the results. Conclusions. The analysis of measurements madę with the PEL 38 platform confirmed their reliability and comparability, which renders the method fit for use both for diagnostic purposes and in screening and research studies.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Bartkowiak, Joanna Boch-Kmieciak, Paweł Szulc, Jacek Lewandowski


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Piotr Bartkowiak, Joanna Boch-Kmieciak, Paweł Szulc, Jacek Lewandowski (2009). Aassessment of the reliability of measurements madę with PEL38 podometric platform. Fizjoterapia Polska, 9(2), 143-150. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-65813