About the feasibility of legal regulation of criminal offense under the law of Ukraine

Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 33


The article is devoted the actual questions of institute of criminal misconduct in the criminal and of criminal procedure of statute of Ukraine. Consider the feasibility of establishing such an institution in Ukraine; likely negative and positive consequences; possible ways of reform in that direction. Six projects of Laws of Ukraine are analysed «About making alteration to Criminal and Criminal judicial the codes of Ukraine about introduction of institute of criminal misconducts» and project of Code of public offences. Expedience of introduction of this institute is grounded in the modern terms of criminal trial. An inquest, pre-trial investigation and judicial features of realization of production, is investigational on criminal misconducts in accordance with by the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (during their investigation application of measures of suppression is shut out as a home arrest, mortgage or keeping in custody). Drawn conclusion, that for Ukraine the use of the best international experience is important in the sphere of providing of quality and efficiency of legislation. In particular, the selection of institute of criminal misconducts in a legislation in opinion of supporters will result to in:1) rapid inquest and transmission of business in a court; 2) increase of efficiency of activity of investigators (on opening of especially grave crimes); 3) returning of trust of public is to the criminal justice agencies; 4) effective and high-quality protecting of person, civil society and state, from criminal offences. To according to opponents of introduction of institute of criminal misconduct in Ukraine can result to in: 1) to disparity of Constitution of Ukraine where the concept of criminal misconduct absents; 2) worsening of defence of victim and subjects of criminal misconducts; 3) complication of qualification of crimes, criminal misconducts and administrative offences, increase of amount of errors at their investigation and consideration. One of possible variants of decision of question of criminal misconducts the «opponents» of introduction of institute of criminal misconduct see in his exception from Conception of reformation of criminal justice in Ukraine from February, 15, 2008 № 311 and from СPK of Ukraine, and to eliminate previous conviction for the crimes of small weight.

Authors and Affiliations

Тетяна Євгенівна Дунаєва, T. Y. Dunayeva


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How To Cite

Тетяна Євгенівна Дунаєва, T. Y. Dunayeva (2017). About the feasibility of legal regulation of criminal offense under the law of Ukraine. ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ, 1(33), 186-198. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-532856