Maternal alcohol drinking might be deleterious to the developing fetus. At present, studies concentrate more on the teratogenicity of alcohol per se than conditions associated with chronic alcoholism. Severity and nature...
The author presents a history of sobering-up stations, which were founded as early as in the 1950s in Poland to protect drunken individuals from various risks and to offer them minimal medical care. Those persons “who ar...
Od początku polskiej transformacji ustrojowej, kiedy cała gospodarka przeżywała kryzys, rynek farmaceutyczny rozwijał się dynamicznie, a wartość rynku leków uległa podwojeniu.
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The main metabolic pathway of ethanol elimination occurs in the liver. Ethanol is oxidised by an alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) to a very toxic acetaldehyde. The aldehyde is converted to acetate by an aldehyde dehydrogenase...
Risk perception may essentially affect alcohol consumption and binge drinking. Understanding the impact and the role of risk perception is an important factor in the effectiveness of youth-targeted alcohol p...
EP ID EP91090
Views 113
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How To Cite
(2005). Abstracts of the Scientific-Training Conference: Specific Patients of Drug Addiction Psychotherapeutic Programs. Warsaw, September 20-22, 2005. Alkoholizm i Narkomania, 18(1),
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Teratogenic action of alcohol
Maternal alcohol drinking might be deleterious to the developing fetus. At present, studies concentrate more on the teratogenicity of alcohol per se than conditions associated with chronic alcoholism. Severity and nature...
Sobering-up stations: Polish experiences
The author presents a history of sobering-up stations, which were founded as early as in the 1950s in Poland to protect drunken individuals from various risks and to offer them minimal medical care. Those persons “who ar...
Problem nadużywania legalnych psychoaktywnych farmaceutyków na tle społeczno-ekonomicznej transformacji w Polsce
Od początku polskiej transformacji ustrojowej, kiedy cała gospodarka przeżywała kryzys, rynek farmaceutyczny rozwijał się dynamicznie, a wartość rynku leków uległa podwojeniu. Przez wszystkie lata wśród najlepiej sprze...
Metabolism of ethyl alcohol and the development of cancer
The main metabolic pathway of ethanol elimination occurs in the liver. Ethanol is oxidised by an alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) to a very toxic acetaldehyde. The aldehyde is converted to acetate by an aldehyde dehydrogenase...
Risk perception and alcohol drinking among young people in seven European countries from 1995 to 2015
Introduction Risk perception may essentially affect alcohol consumption and binge drinking. Understanding the impact and the role of risk perception is an important factor in the effectiveness of youth-targeted alcohol p...