Acquiring translation and interpreting competences: integrated approach

Journal Title: Іноземні мови - Year 2016, Vol 87, Issue 3


У статті розкрито підходи щодо визначення поняття компетентності в усному та письмовому перекладі. Доведено, що готовий переклад є результатом взаємодії між очікуваннями того, яким переклад повинен бути, перекладацькою практикою, а також компетентностями, за допомогою яких перекладачі створюють адекватні тексти перекладів з урахуванням тимчасових і економічних обмежень. Ґрунтуючись на результатах проведеного аналізу, визначено спільні компетентності для письмового й усного перекладу. Abstract. Introduction. Translation in modern world has become a very important instrument of international communication in recent years. The training objectives, expressed in terms of competences to be acquired, appear to scholars to be priorities, before defining a programme in which the content also depends on the resources available in a given context. It sets out what is to be achieved, acquired and mastered at the end of training or for the requirements of a given activity. Objective. To examine the competences needed to develop the skills of an interpreter as a final product of the process of interpreters’/translators’ training and try to conceptualize and further develop theoretical and practical base for training future interpreters. Methods. Reviewing the studies on translation competences carried out abroad and in Ukraine with the view to analyzing existing scientific concepts of translation competences acquisition. 18 Results. Translation products occur as a result of the interaction between expectations of what translations should be and the translation practices as well as competences by which interpreters produce/create acceptable translations within temporal and economic constraints. Interpreting can be defined as the process of immediately changing message produced in one language into another language in real-time, thus producing a message that faithfully incorporates linguistic and cultural features of the source language discourse, translation typically refers to transferring a message between written texts. In order to draw up the necessary competence for interpreters’ training the typology of interpreting has been taken into account. The main objective for an interpreter to achieve immediate communication and interpreting constraints were outlined. The definition of translation competence and how it is acquired according to the results of empirical-experimental research methods were presented in the article. The significance of PACTE model for the further study of interpreting competences is distinguished here. After presenting the theoretical framework surrounding the concept of translation competence, the competences applied to translation, including various modes of interpreting were set out. The EC translator/interpreter profile is presented in the article. This profile could give researchers an idea of the qualities, skills, and qualifications EU translators and interpreters need, and what challenges they face. As a result the competences which can lead to train professional interpreters were singled out. The competences proposed are interdependent. They all lead to the qualification of experts in multilingual and multimedia communication; they comprise the minimum requirement to which other specific competences may be added. A condition common to translation and interpreting is that specific subcompetences must interact, and possibly some translation-specific skills can help in acquiring interpreting-specific competences. Conclusion. There are a number of similar or related factors at work in the two sub disciplines that can be pursued within the scope of an integrated approach. An integrated translation and interpreting approach may help shed more light on some of the intermediate forms of linguistic mediation, such as interpreting. The process of developing translation and interpreting competences is a complex, multidimensional functional system, needed to develop the skills of an interpreter as a final product of the process of interpreters’ training.

Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Zinukova


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  • EP ID EP280023
  • DOI 10.32589/im.v0i3.122557
  • Views 134
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How To Cite

Natalia Zinukova (2016). Acquiring translation and interpreting competences: integrated approach. Іноземні мови, 87(3), 18-24.