Actinomycetes of Juniperus excelsa Bield. rhizosphere – antagonists of phytopathogenic microbiota


Aim. Phytopathogenic microorganisms are one of the main causes of agricultural productivity losses. Thereby, the goal of this study was to evaluate actinomycetes strains, isolated from Juniperus excelsa Bield. rhizosphere, antagonistic activity against plant pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Methods. In this study we used microbiological methods for isolation actinomycetes from rhizosphere. Antagonistic activity was evaluated by using the dual culture method. Results. 372 actinomycete stains were isolated from J. excelsa Bield. rhizosphere. More than 60 % actinomyces isolates showed antibacterial activity against to lest one of the tested phytopathogenic bacteria genus Pseudomonas, Pectobacterium, Agrobacterium, Erwinia, Xanthomonas and 20.5 % of the tested phytopathogenic fungi genus Aspergillus, Alternaria, Fusarium, Botrytis. Only 2 strains had antagonistic activity to the all of the tested microorganisms and 62 strains, which had antagonistic activity to the one test-microorganism. Conclusions. Actinomicetes of J. excelsa Bield. rhizosphere are source for bioactive compounds against phytopatogenic microorganisms and showed good biotechnology potential. These results are the first step to the screening new biopesticides for controlling phytopatogenic diseases in plan. Keywords: actynomicetes, phytopathogens, biocontrol.

Authors and Affiliations

С. І. Тістечок, В. Я. Сирватка, В. О. Федоренко, О. М. Громико


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How To Cite

С. І. Тістечок, В. Я. Сирватка, В. О. Федоренко, О. М. Громико (2018). Actinomycetes of Juniperus excelsa Bield. rhizosphere – antagonists of phytopathogenic microbiota. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 23(), 340-345.