Characteristics of mutant soybean lines at Satt100 and Satt319 loci linked with E7 gene


Aim. Аnalysis of genetic polymorphism of microsatellite loci Satt100 and Satt319 in 10 lines obtained by chemical mutagenesis, and 4 parental varieties – Oksana, Femida, Zolotysta, Podil’s’ka 416. Satt100 and Satt319 are flanking E7gene, which determines sensitivity of soybean to the length of the day in ripening phase. Methods. DNA were isolated from soybean seeds using the kit NeoPrep100 DNA. PCR were performed with microsatellites Satt100 and Satt319. The PCR products were fractionated in 7% polyacrylamide gels. Results. In the investigated lines were detected 5 alleles at the Satt100 locus and 3 alleles at the Satt319 locus. 42.9 % of the varieties and lines in this study were carriers of the «E» allele for Satt100. According to analysis of locus Satt319 64.2 % of varieties and lines were the carriers of «B» allele. Conclusions. Variety Oksana, mutant lines Oksana M №12, Femida M №29 – are carriers of the dominant allele E7. Variety Zolotysta and five mutant lines have recessive allele e7. In 75 % cases we have detected changes of alleles at microsatellite loci in mutant lines in comparison with parental forms. We assume that mutagenic reagents could affect at generative organs of soybean and lead totheir open flowering and crosspollinations. Keywords: Glycine max (L.), soybean, gene E7, microsatellite markers, photoperiodic sensitivity.

Authors and Affiliations

Д. О. Жарікова, Г. О. Чеботар, М. В. Вільгота, І. В. Темченко, С. В. Чеботар


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How To Cite

Д. О. Жарікова, Г. О. Чеботар, М. В. Вільгота, І. В. Темченко, С. В. Чеботар (2018). Characteristics of mutant soybean lines at Satt100 and Satt319 loci linked with E7 gene. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 23(), 52-56.