Actions to promote health in the communities of the UBPC Yumaisy
Journal Title: Monteverdia - Year 2013, Vol 6, Issue 2
The aim of this work is to propose actions from raise the quality of life and sustainable human development of habitants of the villages Jucaral, La Oriental, Yumaisy y La Bertha. To perform this task several theoretical and empirical methods were used to analyze sanitary-hygienic situation of the communities, of the morbidity indexes associated to their causes and consequences, and the state of the promotion and education for health that is projected from the social institutions that influence in the rural community.
Authors and Affiliations
Lina Aurora Campos Martínez, Isabel Aguilar Ramírez, Níxida Caballero García
Actions to promote health in the communities of the UBPC Yumaisy
The aim of this work is to propose actions from raise the quality of life and sustainable human development of habitants of the villages Jucaral, La Oriental, Yumaisy y La Bertha. To perform this task several theoretic...
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