Adaptation of corn plants to chronic ultraviolet irradiation


Aim. The adaptation of young corn plants (Zea mays L.) to the effect of chronic ultraviolet B (UV-B) irradiation during vegetative growth and formation of photosynthetic apparatus of leaves was studied. Methods. Corn plants hybrid Dostatok 300 MB in the phase of two developed leaves was irradiated with UV-B in dose of 2 kJ/m2 per day with a power of 1 W/m2 in long day conditions during 12 days. During this period, the growth of plants was measured, content of photosynthetic pigments and endogenous hydrogen peroxide (HP) was determined in the leaves. Results. It was established that the effect of chronic UV‑B irradiation caused the temporary inhibition of leaf growth, synthesis of photosynthetic pigments and increasing of HP content in them. Then the growth processes and pigment complex recovered to the level of no irradiated plants and exceed it, indicating the induction of adaptive reactions in young corn plants. Conclusions. It was shown that the effect of a low dose of chronic UV-B irradiation caused a delay in growth processes and the formation of a photosynthetic complex with subsequent adaptation to stress in young corn plants. Keywords: UV-B irradiation, Zea mays L., photosynthetic pigments, adaptation.

Authors and Affiliations

В. В. Жук, О. М. Міхєєв, Л. Г. Овсяннікова


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How To Cite

В. В. Жук, О. М. Міхєєв, Л. Г. Овсяннікова (2018). Adaptation of corn plants to chronic ultraviolet irradiation. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 22(), 246-251.