Adenylyl nucleotides content in liver mitochondria under conditions of acetaminophen-induced hepatitis and alimentary deprivation with protein


Research is dedicated to determination of the ATP, ADP and AMP content in liver mitochondria under the conditions of acetaminophen-induced injury against the background alimentary deprivation of protein. Research was conducted on white non-linear rats in weight 90-100 g, age 2-2.5 months, divided into 3 groups: I – rats maintained on full value semi-synthetic ration; II – rats with acetaminophen-induced liver injury, maintained on full-value ration: III – rats with acetaminophen-induced liver injury, maintained on semi-synthetic low-protein diet. Mitochondrial fraction of liver homogenate was received by differential centrifugation method. Qualitative determination of the АТР, АDP, AMP content was made by thin-layer chromatography using «Silufol» plates. It is estimated, that in rats with acetaminophen-induced hepatitis a reduction of the АТР content by 45% on the background simultaneous decrease of АDP content and maintenance of АМP content on the control level is observed. The established fact is explained by the intensified utilization of the adenylyl nucleotides and their insufficient resynthesis rate, which may be the result of the respiratory chain key components’ enzymatic activity decrease. It is shown, that in liver mitochondria of the protein-deficiency rats with acetaminophen-induced hepatitis a decrease of the adenylyl nucleotides total content against the background further depletion of ATP and AMP pool is observed. Conclusion was made, that alimentary deprivation of protein under the conditions of toxic liver injury is the critical factor for the development of the energy biotransformation system disturbances. Research results may become basic in the biochemical rationale for the approaches to correction and elimination of the energy metabolism disturbances’ consequences under the conditions of toxic hepatitis, induced against the background nutritional protein deficiency.

Authors and Affiliations

Оксана Волощук, Галина Копильчук, Т. Пустовіт


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How To Cite

Оксана Волощук, Галина Копильчук, Т. Пустовіт (2016). Adenylyl nucleotides content in liver mitochondria under conditions of acetaminophen-induced hepatitis and alimentary deprivation with protein. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 8(1), 3-7.