Features of reproduction and growing of Chrysanthemum x hortorum Bailey in the conditions of the Kryvyi Rih botanical garden of the NAS of Ukraine
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2018, Vol 10, Issue 2
The peculiarities of reproduction and cultivation of chrysanthemum of small-flowered in the conditions of Kryvorizhha for the purpose of introduction into the culture of new varieties of chrysanthemums resistant to the conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine have been investigated. Cutting was carried out in uncontrolled conditions of closed soil at air temperature within: January - 3-16 0C, February - 5-15 0C, March - 7-17 0C, April - 9-17 0C. The varieties of vegetative productivity are divided into groups: lowproductive (10-15 cuttings from the mother plant), middlingproductive (16-20 cuttings) and highproductive (more than 20 cuttings). The length of the cuttings varied within the range of 4.3-7.1 cm, the small cuttings (up to 5 cm) were obtained from varieties with a height of 20-30 cm, while the length of more than 6.5 cm was removed from the cultivars of chrysanthemums above 55 cm. On 20-23 days from landing, the formation of the calиs and primary roots was fixed, 35-40 days – the growth of primary and the appearance of lateral roots, 95-100 days there is an awakening of bosom vegetative buds, whereupon in the second ten-day period of May cuttings landed in open soil. In conditions of closed soil, in the wide limits of fluctuation in the temperature of air (3-17 0C), the rooting of cuttings of the studied varieties occurred at 90-100%, which confirms the possibility of the development of chrysanthemum of small-flowered in winter in uncontrolled conditions of the greenhouse. Cultivation of cuttings in open ground in arid conditions in Kryvorizhha requires the obligatory observance of certain agrotechnical care (regular watering with subsequent closing of moisture, foliar top-dressingof cuttings, treatment with pesticides from pests and diseases), especially in May – June months. During July-October fully-developed plants of the first year of life in the conditions of the Kryvyi Rih botanical garden showed a sufficient level of drought-tolerance. In the conditions of fulfillment of the specified requirements, small-flowered chrysanthemum in the first year of life reproduces its varietal features and gives a decorative effect in the conditions of Kryvorizhia from September to November for 95-105 days. This flower-garden culture is highly-decorative and universal in the use, of reproduction well, can with stand transplant during budding and mass flowering, resistant to pests, diseases and other negative factors. For the sake of maintenance of decorative qualities a necessity is vegetative reproduction of sorts every year. It is proposed to use highly productive varieties with a high level of viability, which at a minimum cost of lighting and heating give a well-developed planting material.
Authors and Affiliations
T. F. Chipilyak, E. M. Leshcheniuk, O. O. Linckevych
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