Adoption of Green Building Technique: Replacement of Steel by Bamboo


The indiscriminate infrastructural growth is leading to rapid environmental degradation. Steel, cement, synthetic polymers and metal alloys used for construction activities are energy intensive as well as cause environmental pollution during theirentire life cycle. In order to quantify the energy and CO2 savings potential by applying best available technologies like vegetable fibres including bamboo, wastes from industry and mining etc., for engineering applications. In this paper an attempt has been made for finding bamboo as reinforcement in concrete by determining the various physical and mechanical properties of bamboo. The investigations conducted for the tested types of bamboo are evaluated using the same accept criteria as that of steel. This study investigates the Moso type bamboo tensile stress, compressive stress, Modulus of Elasticity, Water absorption capacity, Shear stress, and bonding stress. In general the strength of bamboo is as high as mild steel while, their density is as low as carbon fibre. In this investigation two types of Moso Bamboo specimens were considered. First type of specimen contains node at middle and second type of specimen contains nodes at 1/4th of length from each end. Tensile, Compressive, Shear and Bond tests for bamboo specimens were conducted on U.T.M and C.T.M the relevant graphs were drawn and are compared with graphs obtained for standard steel. Syed Mohd Masood | Zeeshan Khan"Adoption of Green Building Technique: Replacement of Steel by Bamboo" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-5 , August 2017, URL:

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(2017). Adoption of Green Building Technique: Replacement of Steel by Bamboo. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 1(5), -.