Adult Learning in Organization
Journal Title: Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai - Year 2010, Vol 29, Issue 4
The article discusses in detail the concept of a learning organization, different scientists approach to adult learning, issue of learning the form and methods. The paper analyzes the characteristics of a learning organization and how the organization is different from stopped-learning organizations. Learning organizations discussed the advantages of the free market against other organizations. Analyzing how the organization and the employee benefit from learning how it affects the organization's efficiency, quality of work. Analyzed learning environment, as well as discuss and adult education and training characteristics and methods. Presents an empirical study, which surveyed 60 respondents. It examines the attitude of respondents to continuing training, what forms of learning and useful choice. Also it is delivered to respondent's approach to learning opportunities and the employers' approach to training for staff.
Authors and Affiliations
Kęstutis Trakšelys
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