Aetiology and diagnostics of Long Face Syndrome – based on literature

Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2015, Vol 68, Issue 5


A hyperdivergent facial type, adenoid face, long face syndrome (LFS), high-angle patient type – these terms describe patients with increased inclination of the mandibular body base (ML) relative to the anterior cranial base (NSL). According to Riedel, when the value of this angle (ML/NSL) exceeds 38°, the patient can be classified as a high-angle type. The paper aims at presenting a review of available literature on LFS and raising awareness among clinicians that the long face syndrome is a group of typical characteristics associated with the structure of the facial skeleton and that one parameter of a cephalometric analysis is not sufficient for its diagnosis. The diagnostics of LFS is based on extra- and intraoral examination and a cephalometric analysis with consideration of aetiological factors.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Sobieska, Aneta Fester, Edyta Ciok, Małgorzata Zadurska


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How To Cite

Ewa Sobieska, Aneta Fester, Edyta Ciok, Małgorzata Zadurska (2015). Aetiology and diagnostics of Long Face Syndrome – based on literature. Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 68(5), 591-609.