The author of the paper tries to show that general pedagogy has its philosophical distinction,
e.g., comparing to philosophy of education. Johann Friedrich Herbart’s essay On the Dark Side
of Pedagogy is an important poi...
Early school leaving (ESL) is an issue of serious concern of the European Union as one of the
factors contributing to youth unemployment, poverty and low educational achievement
(Commission of the European Communities 20...
The aim of the article is to attempt to present the role of a teacher in the process of moral education in the opinion of the authors publishing in the teachers’ journal “Pedagogical Review” based on the analysis of its...
A contemporary teacher should represent a high level of consciousness about multicultural
challenges involved in senses and meanings, social priorities, political and pedagogical ideas.
At present, vocational preparation...
The original experience, traditionally regarded as the beginning of philosophy, is analysed here
in terms of certainty, based on the two thinkers from different eras: René Descartes and
Ferdinand Ebner. Descartes, as we...
Dlaczego konieczna jest filozoficzna pedagogika ogólna. Rozważania w kontekście eseju J.F. Herbarta O ciemnej stronie pedagogiki
The author of the paper tries to show that general pedagogy has its philosophical distinction, e.g., comparing to philosophy of education. Johann Friedrich Herbart’s essay On the Dark Side of Pedagogy is an important poi...
Importance and dimensions of ESL in Poland – school staff’s perception
Early school leaving (ESL) is an issue of serious concern of the European Union as one of the factors contributing to youth unemployment, poverty and low educational achievement (Commission of the European Communities 20...
Rola nauczyciela w wychowaniu moralnym w II Rzeczypospolitej na podstawie analizy treści „Przeglądu Pedagogicznego” (1918–1939)
The aim of the article is to attempt to present the role of a teacher in the process of moral education in the opinion of the authors publishing in the teachers’ journal “Pedagogical Review” based on the analysis of its...
University in front of the necessity of teacher development towards intercultural dialogue and understanding – forms and methods
A contemporary teacher should represent a high level of consciousness about multicultural challenges involved in senses and meanings, social priorities, political and pedagogical ideas. At present, vocational preparation...
W poszukiwaniu ostatecznej pewności – kartezjańskie cogito i ebnerowskie słowo
The original experience, traditionally regarded as the beginning of philosophy, is analysed here in terms of certainty, based on the two thinkers from different eras: René Descartes and Ferdinand Ebner. Descartes, as we...