Rola nauczyciela w wychowaniu moralnym w II Rzeczypospolitej na podstawie analizy treści „Przeglądu Pedagogicznego” (1918–1939)
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2018, Vol 63, Issue 4
The aim of the article is to attempt to present the role of a teacher in the process of moral education in the opinion of the authors publishing in the teachers’ journal “Pedagogical Review” based on the analysis of its issues from the years 1918–1939. Moral education in the interwar period was a subject of interest in pedagogical circles both in Poland and abroad. This was related to the popularity of the slogans of the New Education as well as the moral revival sought after the First World War. The authors publishing in the “Pedagogical Review” believed that, next to the parents, it is the teachers who should play the most important role in the process of moral education of children. Their personal example, the use of a wide range of educational methods and influence in various educational areas were the most important factors shaping the educational environment for the moral education of the young generation of Poles.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Rzepka
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