Agrarian potential of Ukraine in context of economic cooperation with Canada: the modern state and prospects for building up
Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue
The purpose of the article is to analyse the modern commodity and geographic structure of the export of products of the agrarian sector of Ukraine and to substantiate the prospects of entering in the Canadian agricultural market. Research methods. Universal and specific methods of scientific research have been used: economic and statistical for estimation of volumes of international trade in agricultural products in Ukraine; abstract and logical for the study of modern trends in development of the national agricultural export potential, formulation of conclusions and proposals; the method of induction and deduction in implementation of the SWOT analysis of the strategic prospects for the output of agricultural products Ukraine in the Canadian market,; monographic for the study of Canadian consumer goods. Research results. It has been analysed the geographical and commodity structure of agrarian export of Ukraine, and dynamics and volumes of foreign trade of Ukraine with Canada have been investigated. SWOT-analysis of strategic prospects for the Ukrainian agricultural output to the Canadian market has been implemented. The strategic directions of increasing the export potential of Ukraine in the current world trade integration have been grounded. Elements of scientific novelty. The essence of definition of “export potential” has been improved through the systematization of its key content characteristics, in particular, from the point of view of availability of strategic factual and latent opportunities for expansion of competitive export agrarian capacities necessary for consolidation on the world market. Practical significance. The main competitive types of agricultural products have been determined. The main obstacles and advantages of strategic prospects for the Ukrainian agricultural output to the Canadian market have been also established. The key proposals on organizational and economic measures to increase the agrarian export potential of Ukraine in the strategic perspective have been justified. Tabl.: 4. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 20.
Authors and Affiliations
Iryna Kriukova, Viktor Zamlinskyi, Tetiana Kalyna
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