Models of turnover of agricultural land: results of questionnaires

Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue


The purpose of the article is to study public opinion on the issue of possible patterns of agricultural land circulation in Ukraine and formation on this basis of proposals for a further vector of land reforms, which should be coordinated with national priorities and focus on development of the Ukrainian rural areas and the country as a whole. Research methods. In the research process has been used the questionnaire survey method formed on the basis of the following principles: voluntary participation of respondents; impartial analysis of the results obtained; tolerance to different opinions; objectivity; systems approach; representativeness; expediency; adequacy. Collection of information on vision of Ukrainian citizens on future model of agricultural land circulation has been carried out through a selective survey. Unit of supervision is an individual, in particular: an owner of land plot, land user, including tenant (usually a head of an agricultural enterprise or a farm), or a representative of territorial community. This sampling represents owners of land plots (shares) and potential buyers of agricultural land. The survey has been conducted with participation of scientific research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine using the method of structured expert interview in representative regions of Ukraine through direct contact. Research results. As a result of the questionnaire survey conducted, it has been established: way to acquire ownership of a land share; ways of realization of property right; position on the moratorium on sale of agricultural land; prospects for turnover of agricultural land and introduction of the land market; expected purchase price of land. Elements of scientific novelty. The possible models of turnover of agricultural land in the estimates of land owners (depending on the method of acquiring land plots), heads of agricultural enterprises and farms, and leaders and representatives of territorial communities have been disclosed. The most probable options for disposing of land shares have been established in case of cancellation of the moratorium on purchase and sale of agricultural land. The share of land users that intend to expand land use area, including through an acquisition of agricultural land, has been revealed. It has been found out an acceptable price for a sale of land for landowners and land users. Practical significance. Choosing a future model of land relations in Ukraine, a significant part of the respondents answered that they would like to manage on the land that is their property. At the same time, lack of working capital necessary for land acquisition and unequal competitive conditions compared to representatives of large capital were recognized as the most significant obstacles to introduction of the market turnover of land. Given this, a process of “launching” the land market has been proposed to be supplemented with mechanisms for concessional lending and instalment payment, giving priority to those who independently cultivate land or to young farmers who want to start their own business. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 21.

Authors and Affiliations

Yurii Lupenko, Olha Khodakivska


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How To Cite

Yurii Lupenko, Olha Khodakivska (2018). Models of turnover of agricultural land: results of questionnaires. Економіка АПК, 9(), 5-15.