Agribusiness and Food Processing Industries in Uttar Pradesh State of India


Uttar Pradesh is at the forefront in the production of the total food grains (20%), sugar cane (36%), potato (34%), livestock excluding cow (11%) and milk (17%), wheat (33%), lentil (45%), vegetables (30%) in the country. The purpose of the paper is to throw light on the process and structure of agribusiness and agro-processing in Uttar Pradesh. This study focuses on the untapped potential and highlighted the scope for the agro based agro-processing and agri-business in Uttar Pradesh. Efficient arrangement with favorable policy support and incentives, by taking into account the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of decisive components like human and land resources, crops, livestock and agro-processing activities would lead to plan the state of Uttar Pradesh as one of the major players in the field of agro-processing as well as agri-business sector of India. The diversified commodity mix in crop sector, livestock compositions, large geographical coverage, variety of soils and diverse agro climatic conditions, abundant availability of labour force, varied availability of agricultural raw materials in state offers excellent prospects for the development of high value agro-based industries and promotion of agri-business. Still state needs to address the issue of strengthen the agribusiness sector with proper implementation of business policies and to create strong mechanism for forward and backward linkages in it.

Authors and Affiliations

R. S. Shekhawat, K. N. Singh, S. S. Burark, G. L. Meena, Neelam Shekhawat


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  • EP ID EP323113
  • DOI 10.9734/AJAEES/2017/31552
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How To Cite

R. S. Shekhawat, K. N. Singh, S. S. Burark, G. L. Meena, Neelam Shekhawat (2017). Agribusiness and Food Processing Industries in Uttar Pradesh State of India. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 15(4), 1-7.